As you can tell, this blog has been lacking in frequent content over the past month or so. As I am a college student who has course work, social life, and media consumption to balance, I have had a very hard time keeping up with blog posts in a timely matter. Not to worry, some changes will be made in order to keep this blog up and running.
Firstly, I apologize, but weekly reviews of Dragon Ball Super will no longer be posted. It is simply too time consuming for a show that is very slow paced and repetitive. Instead, I will be reviewing the show on an arc by arc basis. If the show turns out not to fall into such neat boundaries, I will modify my review style as I see fit. To summarize, still expect Dragon Ball content in the future, just not as frequent.
You are all probably wondering about three series that have been a staple to this blog since its inception; Rick and Morty, Steven Universe, and Doctor Who. Reviews of these on a weekly basis wont be going anywhere. As Rick and Morty recently aired its season 2 finale, I will be prioritizing those reviews first. Expect a conglomerated review of episodes 6-9 of the season, as well as a stand-alone, in depth review of the season finale. Doctor Who will be reviewed on a biweekly basis, since I have been lead to believe that season 9 will be comprised of only two-parters. If the show proves otherwise, it will be returned to weekly status. As for Steven Universe, expect stand alone reviews for each episode in the near future.
Since Rick and Morty season 2 has come to a close, the TV season replacing it will be RWBY Volume 3. Expect weekly reviews for each episode once the season begins in a little under two weeks.
Also, here’s something to look forward to in the somewhat distant future. I have begun my delve into One Piece. At the time I am writing this post, I am on chapter 310 of the manga. Once I catch up to where the anime is, I will be switching mediums and consuming One Piece that way. Expect weekly reviews once I catch up; however, if my progress is any indication, this wont be for quite a while.
I hope this post gave you some indication as to where I have been, and what is in store for the future of this blog. I hope you all continue to read and provide constructive criticism in the comments.